Live with dignity from your business

I work with entrepreneurs through Mentorship, Coaching and Consulting methods with a pinch of psychology to improve their sales, marketing, finances and processes.

You put a lot of energy into your business, but you constantly feel embittered and disappointed?

Do you feel stuck in place? Do you lack direction and energy?

You deserve to live with dignity and peace of what you give to the world.

You barely zip, and should you invest in a business mentor?

Yes, I understand you. I've been to this place many times.

W czym mogę Ci pomóc?

Mentoring biznesowy

Strategiczne wsparcie właścicieli firm. Jasność, koncentracja i skuteczność w działaniu.

Masz firmę i czujesz, że czas przejść na kolejny poziom, ale nie wiesz od czego zacząć? Mentoring to intensywna praca 1:1 nad Twoimi celami, wyzwaniami i strategią. Pomogę Ci uporządkować działania, ustawić priorytety i ruszyć z miejsca z konkretnym planem.

Dla kogo?
Dla właścicieli firm, którzy chcą zwiększyć efektywność, podejmować lepsze decyzje i mieć obok siebie kogoś, kto rozumie, z czym się zmagają.

Wsparcie marketingowe

Marketing, który działa. Od strategii po egzekucję – kiedy potrzebujesz kogoś więcej niż freelancera, ale mniej niż agencji.

Nie musisz zatrudniać dyrektora marketingu na pełen etat. Jako Fractional CMO pomagam Ci zaplanować komunikację, ułożyć ofertę i zrealizować kampanie, które sprzedają. Działamy strategicznie, ale też konkretnie – z efektami.

Dla kogo?
Dla firm, które chcą uporządkować swój marketing, zwiększyć sprzedaż i mieć spójną, przekonującą komunikację.

Smart Minority Partnership

Doświadczony wspólnik, który pomaga Twojej firmie rosnąć – bez oddawania kontroli.

Potrzebujesz wspólnika z kompetencjami, ale nie chcesz oddawać połowy firmy? Ten model współpracy daje Ci dostęp do mojego doświadczenia, sieci kontaktów i cotygodniowego wsparcia – a ja zarabiam tylko wtedy, gdy Twoja firma rośnie.

Dla kogo?
Dla przedsiębiorców, którzy chcą mieć po swojej stronie partnera strategicznego, a nie tylko doradcę. Zachowujesz kontrolę, ale zyskujesz realne wsparcie.

Grupy Mastermind

Wsparcie, wiedza i motywacja od przedsiębiorców z Trójmiasta – na żywo i bez ściemy.

Grupy Mastermind to regularne spotkania przedsiębiorców, którzy chcą się wspierać, wymieniać wiedzą i doświadczeniem oraz rozwijać swoje firmy w dobrym towarzystwie. Kameralne grupy, wartościowe rozmowy i realna zmiana – bez slajdów i sztucznych prezentacji.

Dla kogo?
Dla właścicieli firm, freelancerów i twórców, którzy chcą być częścią społeczności, która naprawdę pomaga.

My name is Bartosz
Bartosz Rychlicki's photo

Who am I for?

For conscious entrepreneurs whose services or products I can use Convinced to recommend.

Why would you trust me?

19 years of experience

I run my own business
from the age of 19, that's two decades of experience.

9 companies

I have built so much in that time, not counting minor products and projects.

All of them were or are profitable.
Mainly in the areas of IT services and digital products.

Current businesses:
Seneca Fund

Mentoring Competencies

Ukończyłem szkolenie z zakresu Mentoringu zostałem certyfikowany w Szkole Mentorów Biznesu w Warszawie. Pracuję w oparciu o zasady i kodeks organizacji mentorskiej EMCC.

10 000 000 PLN

That's how much private funding I got
and public for their own projects.

I worked
with small and large!

And much more

I experienced failure (Details in the Medium post) and I had to face a national hate.

I recorded two popular podcasts, one about goals and habits the other about investing in crypto-assets.

I completed a one-year business course at MBA level, licensed by Harvard Business School. I also graduated in IT with a degree in Information Systems Engineering, although to be honest, I have never worked as a programmer.

I was responsible for and co-realized a 40% annual increase in the company's margin with revenues above PLN 10M.

I have been a TEDx speaker twice (Wrocław 2019, Koszalin 2014)

Meet my satisfied customers


Stefan Żeromski




Łukasz Graliński



Cyber Guards

Tomasz Turzeniecki


Cyber Guards

Chudzik i Partnerzy

Mateusz Chudzik


Chudzik i Partnerzy

Engineering and Biotechnology

Stefan Żeromski


Engineering and Biotechnology

CF Solutions

Chaim Furst


CF Solutions


Krystian Słowiński




Mateusz Kapica




Wojciech Grądzki



More Maiorum

Alan Jakman


More Maiorum

Igor Subocz


meso ramen

Maciej Krawczun


meso ramen

By working with me, you can be sure that

I use the “no-bullshit” principle.

Therefore, I will say bluntly - I do not offer guarantees of success, because achieving your goals is your responsibility. But with me it will definitely be faster, easier and not necessarily more pleasant.

I am focused on measurable results

We focus on a specific, jointly selected financial indicator. We monitor it on an ongoing basis, so you will be able to easily determine if the results satisfy you.

I work on relationships, I connect people

I have always had the ease of networking and I deeply believe in the power of relationships. Business is first and foremost about people, for people. Therefore, working with me, you will join a group of entrepreneurs with a similar approach, where you will be able to find potential customers, partners and colleagues.

I use unconventional methods

Depending on the nature of our cooperation, you can expect very unusual methods and innovative solutions. I use therapeutic techniques effectively where a change at the personality level is needed.

I only work with those I can help

I only work with people I see as having potential and whose products or services I can confidently recommend to my friends. If I find that I am unable to help you, I will honestly tell you before starting cooperation.

By working with me, you can be sure that

I use the “no-bullshit” principle.

I am focused on measurable results

I work on relationships, I connect people

I use unconventional methods

I only work with those I can help

Therefore, I will say bluntly - I do not offer guarantees of success, because achieving your goals is your responsibility. But with me it will probably be faster, easier and not necessarily less.
We focus on a specific, jointly selected financial indicator. We monitor it on an ongoing basis, so you will be able to easily determine if the results satisfy you.
I have always had the ease of networking and I deeply believe in the power of relationships. Business is first and foremost about people, for people. Therefore, working with me, you will join a group of entrepreneurs with a similar approach, where you will be able to find potential customers, partners and colleagues.
Depending on the nature of our cooperation, you can expect very unusual methods and innovative solutions. I use therapeutic techniques effectively where a change at the personality level is needed.
I only work with people I see as having potential and whose products or services I can confidently recommend to my friends. If I find that I am unable to help you, I will honestly tell you before starting cooperation.

A simple plan for the beginning of cooperation:


Answer one question “what do you need today” so that we can best match the services for you.


Based on your needs, you get a specific quote of my support in a given field.


We will arrange a free 30 minute consultation where we will talk about your goals.


Based on your needs, you get a specific quote of my support in a given field.


We arrange a kick-off where we work out all the details of the cooperation and get down to business!

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